Sunday, October 25, 2009

Summer and Stuff

What a crazy summer, so much happened that I can't even remember it all. Sorry to all for falling out of my routine of posting every week. Lets see were to start. I had a website up for a little while but took it down. I build that site for Tina and not for school like mom thought. The computer that it was on has now broken so I don't know when I will get around to fixing that. I have space for a web site from my school but I am looking into it now and deciding what I want to do. I am running experiments with it when ever I get a chance. Talking about school I will be done next March, right now I am taking Psychology, Customer Service, and Intro to Film. Psych sucks because there is this girl that likes to tell stories that don't have a point to what we are talking about. Then there is this guy who tells us his opinion about every subject we talk about and he has to have the last word no matter if he is right or wrong.
Games: well lets see I bought Prince of Persia that came out this year. It was a good game with good game play. It was short, there is a download to extend the game but for $10. I have held off on downloading it. I bought RockBand 2 last weekend because I worked 12 days in a row. It is fun but confusing. The progression of the game is different from Guitar Hero. I tried the drum set once but hit medium by accident and I didn't make it very far in the song.
That is all for now, one last thing I updated the web comics list to the right.

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