Well, I was going to write about how must I like fall and about Halloween but I watched an anime today and now my thoughts are scrambled. This anime (Saikano) is about a couple that just started dating and how they don't know how to express their love to each other. They do truly love each other.
Surfing the web I show pictures of this anime (Saikano) I thought it was interesting, a robot girl fighting evil or something along those lines but I was wrong. Watching the title screen, the subtitle should have clued me in, "The Last Love Song On This Little Planet. This was a love story during a war and that was what most of the plot was. A young couple trying to stay together in the mist of a war. The episodes that I have seen show Chise becoming the ultimate weapon and she has to choose between her boyfriend and the military. If she goes to fight she breaks promises with her boyfriend Shuji, if she disobeys the military her comrades die. When Shuji and Chise finally express their love Shuji can't help but be afraid of her destructive power. I had to stop with four episodes left to watch because the story was so emotional but I read what will happen on wikipedia. Even knowing what will happen I will still watch till the end because of how entangling the story is. This show may not have been what I thought but it was a good decision to watch this anime.
I also watched Zombieland this weekend which is a great movie were the characters have and use common sense. The main character is a college student trying to get home after zombies have infested the world. He meets other people along the way finds out what kind of person he can be by being outside even if outside is infested with zombies. This is a very funny movie.
Bye, Bye for now.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Summer and Stuff
What a crazy summer, so much happened that I can't even remember it all. Sorry to all for falling out of my routine of posting every week. Lets see were to start. I had a website up for a little while but took it down. I build that site for Tina and not for school like mom thought. The computer that it was on has now broken so I don't know when I will get around to fixing that. I have space for a web site from my school but I am looking into it now and deciding what I want to do. I am running experiments with it when ever I get a chance. Talking about school I will be done next March, right now I am taking Psychology, Customer Service, and Intro to Film. Psych sucks because there is this girl that likes to tell stories that don't have a point to what we are talking about. Then there is this guy who tells us his opinion about every subject we talk about and he has to have the last word no matter if he is right or wrong.
Games: well lets see I bought Prince of Persia that came out this year. It was a good game with good game play. It was short, there is a download to extend the game but for $10. I have held off on downloading it. I bought RockBand 2 last weekend because I worked 12 days in a row. It is fun but confusing. The progression of the game is different from Guitar Hero. I tried the drum set once but hit medium by accident and I didn't make it very far in the song.
That is all for now, one last thing I updated the web comics list to the right.
Games: well lets see I bought Prince of Persia that came out this year. It was a good game with good game play. It was short, there is a download to extend the game but for $10. I have held off on downloading it. I bought RockBand 2 last weekend because I worked 12 days in a row. It is fun but confusing. The progression of the game is different from Guitar Hero. I tried the drum set once but hit medium by accident and I didn't make it very far in the song.
That is all for now, one last thing I updated the web comics list to the right.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
About Time 2
I got some time to update my website. Uploaded a bunch of pictures (about 1,200 of 'em) and added a flash video. When I was updating the site I found a way to make a photo gallery using CS4. Take a look here and tell me what you think. When I get some more time I will add more flash videos and mess around with the photo gallery some more. Also, I will say it here too, I don't plan to have the site up long (only till September 1st) so visit it often if you are looking through all the photos.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
About Time
So after a month of f-ing arund with code I finally got my website up and running. It is just anime pictures that my sister wanted to look at but anyone is welcome to check it out.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Lawn Care

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Title Here
I have been really busy or there has been a pressure for me to get a lot done in a short amount of time, I don't know which. I have a lot to write down but I just don't have the time. I was going to write yesterday but didn't get around to it. I took a few days off and I still feel I have a lot of stuff to do. I have to work six days next week, hurray for me. A lot more has happened but I have to get to night class, so my next post will be.......sometime......maybe.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I was finally able to record my Xbox and put it on YouTube. This was just a test to see how it would work out.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Dad brought presents
Just a few quick pics of somethings my Dad had in storage.
More may follow when I find the time to go through the rest of it.
Just a few quick pics of somethings my Dad had in storage.
More may follow when I find the time to go through the rest of it.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Story Time
I should start writing all my post like a story. With a beginning, middle, and an end. Nah, to much work, I will just stick to my random rambling.
Monday, April 27, 2009
What the hell, Cub Foods went back to selling 8 hot dog buns in a package but hot dogs still come in packages of 10. This is a good reason to be man the rest of the day.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Week Review
Hard not to laugh. A couple of weeks ago Coca Cola sold distribution rights of Rockstar (an energy drink) to Pepsi. Our warehouse was told to sell all remaining Rockstar to stores and to fill them up. This last Monday was the first day that Pepsi took over distribution and I was told to give all Rockstar back stock to Pepsi. I start very early in the mourning so the Pepsi merchandiser never saw me put 10 plus cases on his pallets of back stock at my first store. At my second store the Pepsi guy was in the back room.
"Where do you want this Rockstar" I asked him.
"What I can't get that till Wednesday" he replied.
"But I have back stock of it and it's not ours any more so you get it"
"What, I don't have room for that....Goddamn it......fine put it there" he said pointing at a cart that had his 20oz. bottles in it.
That was not the whole conversation due to language. So I gave him 10 to 15 cases of Rockstar. At my third store I was stopped by the Pepsi merchandiser and his boss of all people. I know these guys and when the conversation started I knew exactly what they were going to say and it was hard not to laugh at them. We had 20 plus cases of Rockstar (store goes through 3 cases a week maybe) for them. Let's just say they were not happy with me but it was not my fault I didn't order that stuff. This was business and I know that they would have done the same to us if the roles had been reversed.
On a normal week the Pepsi dude at my third store bugs me, saying smart remarks and just getting on my nerves. He talks like he is better then me, but this week he didn't say more the two words to me. It felt good in a weird way.
Everything else was good, I guess, this week. Got ahead in homework so I was able to play video games more then usual. Don't think it will happen this week because on top on normal homework I have to hand in a summary for my finial projects in two of my classes. Had a hard time falling asleep all week, would lay down and toss and turn for what would seem like hours then my alarm would go off and I would wake up. When did I fall asleep? How much sleep did I get?
That's life I guess
"Where do you want this Rockstar" I asked him.
"What I can't get that till Wednesday" he replied.
"But I have back stock of it and it's not ours any more so you get it"
"What, I don't have room for that....Goddamn it......fine put it there" he said pointing at a cart that had his 20oz. bottles in it.
That was not the whole conversation due to language. So I gave him 10 to 15 cases of Rockstar. At my third store I was stopped by the Pepsi merchandiser and his boss of all people. I know these guys and when the conversation started I knew exactly what they were going to say and it was hard not to laugh at them. We had 20 plus cases of Rockstar (store goes through 3 cases a week maybe) for them. Let's just say they were not happy with me but it was not my fault I didn't order that stuff. This was business and I know that they would have done the same to us if the roles had been reversed.
On a normal week the Pepsi dude at my third store bugs me, saying smart remarks and just getting on my nerves. He talks like he is better then me, but this week he didn't say more the two words to me. It felt good in a weird way.
Everything else was good, I guess, this week. Got ahead in homework so I was able to play video games more then usual. Don't think it will happen this week because on top on normal homework I have to hand in a summary for my finial projects in two of my classes. Had a hard time falling asleep all week, would lay down and toss and turn for what would seem like hours then my alarm would go off and I would wake up. When did I fall asleep? How much sleep did I get?
That's life I guess
The Rain
The one and only thing I miss about last place I lived is the metal roof that it had. Even a sprinkle would sound like a down pour from inside. It was pretty soothing, just lying in bed listening to the rain. The place I live now has a real roof (one with shingles) and I can only hear the down pours now. :(
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Well I rushed home from Easter in Albert Lea because I thought I had two weekly quiz's. I jumped online a minute ago and found out that there are no quizs the first week of school. What to do now, already missed most of Fox's Sunday night line up.
I realized that I hate doing homework, I had so much fun on my two weeks off of school and now I have to spend my free time doing homework again.
I didn't think I would get to this post this week so I didn't think of stuff to write about. So, lets see what to write about. I have chores to do next week, my yard is a mess and I have to get the lawn mower out and started. It also needs the blade sharpened, wonder how much that will cost. Have to crush cans and move my stairs back because I think my trailer moved back and the screen door shouldn't hit the stairs. I should change the oil in my car, could have done that in Albert Lea today but oh well. What else, homework as always and two Netflixs movies I got last week still need to be watched.
Well, um Happy Easter I guess.
I will try to think of something to write about next week.
I realized that I hate doing homework, I had so much fun on my two weeks off of school and now I have to spend my free time doing homework again.
I didn't think I would get to this post this week so I didn't think of stuff to write about. So, lets see what to write about. I have chores to do next week, my yard is a mess and I have to get the lawn mower out and started. It also needs the blade sharpened, wonder how much that will cost. Have to crush cans and move my stairs back because I think my trailer moved back and the screen door shouldn't hit the stairs. I should change the oil in my car, could have done that in Albert Lea today but oh well. What else, homework as always and two Netflixs movies I got last week still need to be watched.
Well, um Happy Easter I guess.
I will try to think of something to write about next week.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Asleep for two weeks
For anyone following my blog you would have seen that I haven't posted in a while. Well, I have been out of school and I guess not a lot happens to my when I am not in school. Well let my think, I did clean (a little) my house. I started my break by starting a game I borrowed from a friend, then I got caught up in anime watching. Watched Ghost In a Shell (both seasons) and other anime for four days in a row. It felt good and I almost wish I could watch more anime but I need to finish school. Any way after anime I started playing that game again and finished it by the middle of the last week of break. I started the game over to get a few more achievements but I didn't and don't know if I will have time now to do that. For you see I started school today, I have two online classes and I am already not motivated to do the homework for them. But what ever I will try to get back on track and have a post on Sunday but who knows because it is Easter that day. Bye, bye for now.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I want to say that I had a busy week but the week didn't end that way. Monday was a long day, like every Monday I had to clean up after the weekend workers. Why can't people clean up after they are done working? Then I had night class, this was the finial week but we had to sit through a two hour lecture. Then the finial, let me tell you taking a computer programing test is hard. You have four answers that are just slightly different and only one of them is right. Later I found out that I got 70% on that test and still got a B+ in the class. Four hours sleep and then my Tuesday started. Tuesdays are always long for me because ads change that day and I either have to take down a display or put one up, or both. This Tuesday was extra special because I was scheduled an extra store, then I got a call to go to another store. On top of all that my sales rep decided he wanted one less delivery this week so the delivery on Tuesday was bigger then normal. Hurray for twelve hour days. If it wasn't for the extra product at the stores I would have had a normal Wednesday. Oh, then I had to study for my other finial exam that was on Thursday. Studying tired is hard. My Thursday went by fast, there was a point when I sat around for 45 minutes waiting for someone to get my product out of the racking. If not for that I would have worked for only four hours that day. The test for my other class was pretty easy, the teacher shortened it down from 75 question to only 50. There was also a practical exam were we had to install Linux and get the website part of it running. I got the test back right away and I can't remember for sure but I think I got only seven wrong. So I am pretty sure that I will get a good grade in that class too. Saturday turned out to be just a bum around the house day. I just couldn't get motive to do anything productive (see below). Ended up reading web comics and listening to music most of the day. Then went to see "I Love You, Man" with my cousin. The movie was good and kind of funny, it did get me thinking about other stuff which I may (or may not) write about. (yes I know I skipped Friday, nothing really happened that day besides work.) Today nothing is really planned, got some bills paid and doing laundry. Still working on copying some files, damn computer keeps freezing. Nothing much else to talk about. Borrowed Dead Space for the Xbox from a friend. So far it is pretty fun, spent most of the beginning of the game walking backwards because it's the first game I have played with my surround sound. This game is all about suspense so I was constantly hearing bad things behind me. I hope to finish the game before the new quarter starts.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Time Flies
I knew this week would go by fast but not this fast. Had to write a comparison paper for a class on top of the regular homework for that class. Also had regular homework in my other class in a chapter that went completely over my head. I have no idea how I did the homework or if I did it right. I had a three hour meeting on Wednesday to get a forklift license. Then night class on Thursday for two very long days in a row. Then I, for some reason, worked on Saturday. I have tests next week which means study, study, study. Then a much needed break of doing more work. Yeah, that's right but I went into that last week. This isn't like any other post I have done, I think my brain is broken, and my body is to tired to fix it. Well, Simpsons are on so I have to toddle now.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Work, work and more work
Volunteered to work this Saturday, I guess I could always use more money. Also have to drive to Owatonna Wednesday to do forklift training. Some new policy I guess, oh well more money for me.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
School and stuff
Awesome, so I have been using this laptop extensively lately and this afternoon it was running slower then usual so I decided to shut it down and just finish my research on my main computer. Then just a minute ago I started it back up to write this post and the main profile didn't load right. I didn't have access to any of the files I had saved but they showed up when I did a search for them. Thank God a simple reboot fixed everything.
O.k. now on with the blog. I had my review this week for my job which turned into perfect timing because my boss's boss went to one of my stores and yelled at my boss because a display (that I was going to rotate next week) wasn't rotated. But my boss and I looked over the display and decided that his boss over reacted. My boss mentioned that I was going to get a raise for my review about a month ago but he didn't mention it in the review and I forgot to ask. I guess I will have to wait and look at my next paycheck.
My school semester is also most over which is good, not because I dislike my classes but because I have so much stuff on the back burner right now. Stuff that needs to get done sometime but isn't that important. Cleaning and organizing my house is a good example of this. Also, counting this laptop, I have files on four different computers. I plan to organize these files and set up some kind of file server so I have access to all my files on any of my computers. Lot more work then you may think. I have to sit down and figure out my finances are. The first two months of this year I have pretty much broken even with income and expenses. Will have to figure out how to lessen my expenses *no not my cable*. I am also working on something as a surprise for everyone. Only two weeks to get that and more done before school starts again.
The semester coming to a means two things. 1. finials to study for and 2. finial projects are due. My plan was to have my finial project done by this weekend but I just don't fell like typing it up right now, I'll do it tomorrow maybe. Next semester I picked up a class which brings me to three classes. Don't know if I will be able to keep up but I will be in school forever if I just stay with two classes a quarter. For those interested, at the end of this semester I will have 13 classes left to take. At three classes a quarter that means I have a year left of school *then what?*.
On a side note I saw an old co-worker from when I worked a Cub on Saturday. He had quit about two years before me and I guess he lives in the same area as me. He followed me from god knows where to me mail box. We hadn't seen each other for almost..... four years maybe *hard to remember, long time ago*. Gave him my number, maybe he will call.
On a sad note my mother dog had to be put down this last week. It's sad but we will see you in heaven (all dogs go to heaven right?) with our other dog Rufus. *Weird, the day before my mom called and told me about her dog I had been thinking of Rufus*
I want to send some good luck to my sister who is leaving for Texas soon (don't think she has left yet?). Flying is the best way to travel and you will be there and back before you know it.
See ya next week all.
O.k. now on with the blog. I had my review this week for my job which turned into perfect timing because my boss's boss went to one of my stores and yelled at my boss because a display (that I was going to rotate next week) wasn't rotated. But my boss and I looked over the display and decided that his boss over reacted. My boss mentioned that I was going to get a raise for my review about a month ago but he didn't mention it in the review and I forgot to ask. I guess I will have to wait and look at my next paycheck.
My school semester is also most over which is good, not because I dislike my classes but because I have so much stuff on the back burner right now. Stuff that needs to get done sometime but isn't that important. Cleaning and organizing my house is a good example of this. Also, counting this laptop, I have files on four different computers. I plan to organize these files and set up some kind of file server so I have access to all my files on any of my computers. Lot more work then you may think. I have to sit down and figure out my finances are. The first two months of this year I have pretty much broken even with income and expenses. Will have to figure out how to lessen my expenses *no not my cable*. I am also working on something as a surprise for everyone. Only two weeks to get that and more done before school starts again.
The semester coming to a means two things. 1. finials to study for and 2. finial projects are due. My plan was to have my finial project done by this weekend but I just don't fell like typing it up right now, I'll do it tomorrow maybe. Next semester I picked up a class which brings me to three classes. Don't know if I will be able to keep up but I will be in school forever if I just stay with two classes a quarter. For those interested, at the end of this semester I will have 13 classes left to take. At three classes a quarter that means I have a year left of school *then what?*.
On a side note I saw an old co-worker from when I worked a Cub on Saturday. He had quit about two years before me and I guess he lives in the same area as me. He followed me from god knows where to me mail box. We hadn't seen each other for almost..... four years maybe *hard to remember, long time ago*. Gave him my number, maybe he will call.
On a sad note my mother dog had to be put down this last week. It's sad but we will see you in heaven (all dogs go to heaven right?) with our other dog Rufus. *Weird, the day before my mom called and told me about her dog I had been thinking of Rufus*
I want to send some good luck to my sister who is leaving for Texas soon (don't think she has left yet?). Flying is the best way to travel and you will be there and back before you know it.
See ya next week all.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The List*
Making a To Do List is a good way to organize your thoughts and prioritize what needs to be done. But Seeing everything that you have to do can be discouraging and you can end up not doing anything on the list.
*Thought of the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds" were "the list" of cars to be stolen is given to a character to look over.
*Thought of the movie "Gone in 60 Seconds" were "the list" of cars to be stolen is given to a character to look over.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Have you ever been in a bad mood? A, the reason I don't own a gun because I would use it on people, kind of bad mood. This is how I woke up this mourning, don't really know why. Maybe it was because of the snow or because I was tired, or maybe both. Then the guys plowing the Hy-Vee parking lot added to my bad mood in ways not worth mentioning here. I was in this mood pretty much all mourning, not because bad things kept happening but nothing could knock me out of being in a bad mood. I am not a people person, I would prefer solitude over being in a crowd, but the only thing that made me forget I was in a bad mood was talking with other people. The Pepsi person at Cub in particular, him and I joked around, made comments about stocking pop, and just chatted. Damn human nature's need to be communicate with other humans. Granted I was still in a bad mood, just not one where I would picked a fight with someone triple my size *you are a small guy*, and stayed in that mood because my sales rep called me and wanted me to go back to Hy-Vee and switch a display when I was almost done for the day. I said yes because I am a nice guy (I blame my mother for this) and I headed back to Hy-Vee. I found the two displays that needed to be switched and they were right next to each other. When I asked why, my sales rep replied "Because the bosses didn't like the Powerade there". Damn managers, I'll show them how much I like "them" when my gun comes in the mail next week (just kidding mom). Here is a pic of the Display, yeah they were that close. But anyways I stopped by Barnes & Noble to pick up a Manga I wanted to read but they didn't have it so I picked up another graphical novel called "The Great Catsby" by Doha. There are six volumes I guess. It looked promising with me initial flip through but we will see. Going to read it quick after posting this and before doing some homework.
As mentioned before I do work this Sunday and will have Wednesday off. I will try to rant about something on Sunday but if I don't there should be one by Wednesday night. Tah tah for now.
As mentioned before I do work this Sunday and will have Wednesday off. I will try to rant about something on Sunday but if I don't there should be one by Wednesday night. Tah tah for now.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Video Games
So I have been thinking lately of my gaming situation or the lack there of. It took me about 15 minutes to think of the last game that really engrossed me and that game was released about two years ago. When I mean engrossed I mean not doing homework till the last minute and losing sleep to play just one more level. Don't think I haven't played other games since then, or thought other games were bad, because I have. I played Halo 3 extensively when it came out but I don't remember losing sleep over it. I also played Fallout 3 which I also played a lot but I stopped when school started at the beginning of the year. I have picked it up once or twice but it is to hard to get back into because I forgot were I was and how I was leveling up my character. I got Mass Effect for X-Mas and, from what I have played, is fun but I couldn't get into like Halo 3 or Bioshock (the last game I lost sleep over). I do follow the games industry and I do see games I want to buy and play. Then I just happen to have some spare time after work and go look at games at Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy, were ever I happen to finish work for the day. I see games that I wanted to play and see that they have been out for weeks sometimes months. I don't know if its me or what, I should know the day of the week of when certain games come out. I have a hard time getting into games lately and just finding the time to play them is hard. This quarter in school is very interesting for me, computer programing and Linux. I have taken a different computer programing class before and I find it to be exciting to create stuff like that. Linux is something that I always wanted to learn but is one of those things that is better learned by someone teaching you. I am actually having fun learning what I am doing this quarter. With just those two classes and work I don't have much time sit and play a game for extended periods of time without getting sleeping (when I do play games). It seems that I am spending more time doing homework which is a first for me because I don't really like doing homework. I have been reading web comics a lot lately too, which has been taking up some of my time. I guess we can only see if this changes next quarter when my classes will be generals but then spring is around the corner so who knows.
Last week there was a new Simpson's, in HD no less, and I nearly cummed in my pants. I couldn't wait for Sunday night this week so I could watch another new episode but just my luck nascar is on. Now what am I going to do. Guess I will pop in a game, on second thought I think I will catch up on some streaming NetFlixs. Sorry Halo and Mass Effect.
Last week there was a new Simpson's, in HD no less, and I nearly cummed in my pants. I couldn't wait for Sunday night this week so I could watch another new episode but just my luck nascar is on. Now what am I going to do. Guess I will pop in a game, on second thought I think I will catch up on some streaming NetFlixs. Sorry Halo and Mass Effect.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I think I will go move in with my mother. That way I will never have to go grocery shopping or cook ever again.
Friday, February 20, 2009
This is taken from an email I got from one of my teachers.
"Lesson A (1 - 22) If you can get all 22 questions right you know everything you need to about sub procedures and functions."
Well duh, to bad we aren't given the answers and never get our assignments back once they are graded.
"Lesson A (1 - 22) If you can get all 22 questions right you know everything you need to about sub procedures and functions."
Well duh, to bad we aren't given the answers and never get our assignments back once they are graded.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Wow, this was a very abnormal weekend. I wasn't even going to write about my week, I had something else planned to rant about this week. The week started off normal till about Friday. I had been done with work for a couple of hours when my mother called. She was in town with my Grandmother, and wanted to go to lunch which I did because I was hungry and can't pass up a free lunch. Her and I caught up on up on stuff like usual. After lunch, mom and grandma were heading over to Hobby Lobby and I hadn't been there in awhile so I decided to join them. Well, I ended up just wondering around after I decided to buy a sketch notebook. There sure is a lot of weird stuff that people buy. Another thing I noticed was that there sure was a lot of hotties that go to Hobby Lobby on Friday afternoon. Maybe I will go there more often. After that I went home and tried to do some homework. After reading about five page in my text book I fell asleep for a few minutes and I couldn't really remember what I read so I decided to watch AOTS and XPlay on G4. I finished reading and then went to meet my sister in Waseca because my mother was ging to ride her horse in a sled drawn horse parade *is that really what it was called* (I don't know but it sure sounds close enough). Well just before it started a group of people put a play on in the street. They put something on about some guys were looking for a wanted man which they ended up shooting (with real guns but using blanks) and then the law came and there was more shooting. While play was ending I looked down the street and saw the begining of the parade which was good because my face was starting to freeze. Five minutes went by...I looked down the street and it looked like the parade had started. Five minutes later....I looked down the street, the parade was in the same spot as before. Five minutes later...I looked down the street and the parade had advanced a few blocks but then as I was about to look away I show two horses passing the lead horse with a carriage behind them but not for long because it broke free from the horses and turned sharply toward the curb which stopped it. I can only imagine that the loss of the carriage helped the two horses run faster but I do know that at least one of the horses had been spooked. With nothing holding them back the pair went full gulp down the cleared street. I think they wanted to stay away from large group of people as much as we wanted them to stay away from us. As they past us, it was clear that nothing could stop them. Fortunately or unfortunately there was a city truck parked a few blocks down from us to stop traffic from going down the parade route. From what I heard later was that both horse came out with just a few scratches, which is amazing seeing as how to one of them did hit truck, which is what stopped them. Well this turned into a long post, while there is more it is just not a interesting as what I just wrote. One last note before I go, I switched with a co-worker to work a weekend and I think that it is next weekend so I may post early or late.
*this was the other voice in my head* and then I answered
*this was the other voice in my head* and then I answered
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Whoa, I didn't post last week. Sorry (not that it matters no one reads this crap and if they do they don't leave feedback!!!). Nothing really happened last week so I will just start talking about this week. First Halo Wars demo came out on Xbox live, which I am going to play after I write this. With that out of the way, this week was not normal for me in the sense that I go to work, go to school, then not really do anything on the weekend. I went to my cousin's wedding on Friday which I give him praise for because he pretty much put it together in less then two months. Got home and went to bed around midnight which is about two hours before I get up to go to work during the week. Then Saturday I finially got aournd to formating my main computer (like I said in and earlier post), installed Windows XP and then found out that my new copy of Vista didn't work. So I spent most of Saturday afternoon trying to download, from my school's website, which is legal, a copy of Vista and keep getting the same results. Thankfully my cousin called and we went to "Mall Cop" which was really funny. It helped me calm down. Sunday mourning found out that an old copy of Vista that I still had worked and installed that with a new key. Did that as I tried to study for a midterm in my computer programing class. Pretty much just did exercises out of the book, this will be the first test from this teacher so I don't know what to expect. Like I said I was reinstalling Vista on my computer so I had to use the labtop that I am borrowing from my mom (or sister which ever way you look at it) and it sucked. I would make a small change in code and it would take the same amount of time to start the program each time, which shouldn't be. I am really thinking of buying a new laptop to be able to do homework in different parts of my house, mainly in front of the t.v. But a laptop is a want not a need for my so we will see. Oh, mom don't worry I was working at my kitchen table not in front of the t.v.
Just a quick complaint to wrap this up, I wish that the Simpsons would come out with new episodes. I don't watch that much t.v. during school time (a total of 1.5 hours this week), so having something to look forward to at the end of the week would be nice. Come on Matt Groening. <---- creater of the Simpsons.
Well that is all from me, if you know me and are reading this tell your friends to come over and take a look. *I need attention!!!!*
Just a quick complaint to wrap this up, I wish that the Simpsons would come out with new episodes. I don't watch that much t.v. during school time (a total of 1.5 hours this week), so having something to look forward to at the end of the week would be nice. Come on Matt Groening. <---- creater of the Simpsons.
Well that is all from me, if you know me and are reading this tell your friends to come over and take a look. *I need attention!!!!*
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Short and sweet
It was a long week. Had to work Saturday. Had to do homework pretty much all day Sunday. Worked on a computer program all day to get it to work right. Even now I am watching the Simpsons as a write this before going to bed. Still no delivery, company says the post office is holding it. Post Office says they don't hold mail and carrier hasn't seen anything. F*#@ing lairs. But any who hope next week will be better. Oh, I know I didn't post the next video but found a web site were all the videos can be viewed but I haven't fiqured out how to imbed them into the blog.
So tired............
So tired............
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cool....I mean cold.
Well, as everyone knows it was cold as.......cold gets this week. Let me tell you, it is hard to go to work at four in the mourning when it is that cold. It was so cold and windy that my Monday night class was canceled but now we have make it up this Monday which we were supposed to have off because of the Holiday. I got my computer files organized and backed up this weekend. Now I just have to download the newest freeware that I use often and then I can do my yearly erase my computer and fresh install everything. I also have a new baby on the way that should have been delivered Friday. I will post some pictures once I can hold and touch it.
The link to the video is here. It is a four or five part series and looks better in full screen. I will post the second part next week.
The link to the video is here. It is a four or five part series and looks better in full screen. I will post the second part next week.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
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