Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Not doing homework again?!?!?

Click image to enlarge

Monday, November 17, 2008

Top Five

Top five things I am into for November
1. My new trailer home.
Wonderful, wonderful heat through out the whole house. Still no skirting but that should be on soon. My sis has pics on her blog here.
A classmate introduced me this web page. If you don't have time to read it all, at least read the one about the iPhone.
3.Hacked PSP
I finally hacked my PSP. So many games to download, so little time to play.
4.Fallout 3
I didn't play the first two but number 3 is pretty fun. You have to find your father in a postapolyptic future in Washington DC.
5.Adobe Photoshop
I have been messing around with Photoshop CS3. Can't do anything special yet but it is fun to play with. Thinking of playing around with adobe flash sometime soon.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


So I watched Superman: Doomsday on Cartoon Network before I went to bed last night. When I was lying in bed I started thinking about superpowers. When you ask most people what superpower they would have if they could have one they would say either flying or to be invisible. Heck, just a couple days ago I would have answered by saying one of the two. But as I was lying there I realized that I had to be different from everyone else. So what is different and possibly better then flying or invisibility. Telekinesis! With telekinesis you can pick up and move objects, even yourself. That means you can fly. But lets put some limitations on this power, lets say you can only lift so much weight. How about three medium size cars. Now how much sand equals that weight. Now lets say you can move each grain of sand independently of the other grains. What this means is that you can make objects with a pile of sand, a wall or a giant fist for example. I have no ending statement for this so I will finish by posting this link. Learning how to do telekinesis.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

So when I went in to get internet hookup the other day and they said that the soonest would be Friday the 14th. No internet (expect when at school) till then. (drying tears)